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A Symbol Of National Pride

Hungarian Flag: A Historic Tapestry

A Symbol of National Pride

The Hungarian flag, known as Magyarország zászlaja, is a cherished symbol of the nation's history and heritage. Its vibrant colors and distinctive design have played a significant role in shaping Hungarian identity.

Horizontal Tricolor of Red, White, and Green

The Hungarian flag is a horizontal tricolor, featuring three equal bands of red, white, and green. The red stripe symbolizes strength, bravery, and the blood shed by Hungarian patriots throughout history. White represents purity, loyalty, and peace, while green symbolizes agriculture, hope, and the country's verdant landscapes.

Proportions and Adoption

The flag's width-to-length ratio is 2 to 3. It was officially adopted on October 12, 1957, replacing a previous version that featured the crowned small coat of arms of Hungary in the center.

Historical Origins and Significance

The current form of the Hungarian flag first appeared in 1848 during the Hungarian Revolution. It was chosen to represent the nation's aspirations for independence and democracy. The tricolors have been flown continuously throughout Hungarian history, becoming a symbol of national unity and pride.
